Recent Posts
Remembering Max, The Best Pup Ever
I know pets don't live as long as us, but 15 years flew by... it wasn't long enough.
The Complexities of a Lazy Day
How do I feel after a day of doing nothing? It’s not a simple answer.
Unwrapping the Joys and Jitters of Christmas
I don’t haul out the Christmas tree and decorations on November 1st, but I start getting excited about Christmas as soon as Halloween is over.
Thanksgiving Anxiety: The Stress I Secretly Love
I don't feel obligated to cook for Thanksgiving - it's more of a compulsion...
Longing for the 1980s: My Childhood Nostalgia List
The older I get, the more I long for the days of my childhood. I wish my own kids could grow up in the world that I grew up in.